Strengthening Collaboration: Cal-ICMA's Work Plan embodying the vision for Ethical Local Government Management

As the Executive Board of Cal-ICMA, the official California State affiliate for members of the International City/County Managers Association (ICMA), we are committed to fostering a collaborative environment that upholds the highest standards of ethical local government management. Our mission is clear: to create a broad-based partnership among all local government management professionals in California, supporting their professional networking, development, and training needs while ensuring ethical practices remain at the forefront of our endeavors.


Founded in 2005, Cal-ICMA serves as a unique bridge between ICMA and its members in California, facilitating a platform for engagement without establishing a separate organizational structure or dues system. Our affiliation encompasses a diverse range of stakeholders, including the Cal Cities City Managers Department (CMD), California City Management Foundation (CCMF), Municipal Management Association of Northern California (MMANC), Municipal Management Association of Southern California (MMASC), as well as several affiliate organizations and members from various academic and professional backgrounds.


Looking ahead to our 2024-26 Work Plan, we are dedicated to advancing our shared goals through strategic initiatives focused on governance, event coordination, communication, and relationship-building.


One of our primary objectives is to update our governance structure in alignment with evolving needs and best practices. This includes working closely with ICMA to refine our Affiliate Agreement and reviewing our existing agreements to ensure they reflect current standards. Additionally, we aim to establish formal policies and procedures for all committees, enhancing transparency and accountability within our organization.


As we prepare for the 2026 ICMA Annual Conference, we are actively collaborating with the Host Committee to ensure a seamless and successful event. This entails identifying volunteers to assist with conference planning, co-hosting receptions, securing sponsorships, recruiting volunteers for on-site support, and amplifying marketing efforts through cross-promotion.


Furthermore, we are committed to enhancing communication and relations within our network. We recognize the importance of effective communication in fostering collaboration and trust. To this end, we are developing a tracking tool to streamline communication processes and are continuing to implement our Communications and Relations Strategy, leveraging various channels to engage our members and stakeholders.


In pursuit of our mission, we believe that fostering a culture of ethical leadership is paramount. Ethical management practices not only uphold public trust but also drive effective decision-making and organizational success. As stewards of this vision, we are dedicated to promoting ethical standards and providing resources and support to our members in upholding these principles.


In conclusion, Cal-ICMA remains steadfast in its commitment to advancing ethical local government management in California. Through collaboration, innovation, and a shared dedication to excellence, we will continue to empower our members and strengthen our communities. Together, we can build a future where integrity, transparency, and accountability serve as the cornerstones of effective governance.




Hazel Wetherford

President, Cal-ICMA

Deputy City Manager, City of Dublin


Peter Pirnejad

President-Elect, Cal-ICMA

City Manager, Town of Los Altos Hills


Elisa Cox

Past President, Cal-ICMA

Assistant City Manager, City of Rancho Cucamonga


Use New Suite of Talent Development Tools Offered by Cal-ICMA


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