Manager in Residence Program
The City/County Manager In Residence program provides an opportunity for university MPA or similar programs to host a city or county Manager for a week on campus.
As part of the Cal-ICMA Coaching Program, the City/County Manager-In-Residence project provides an opportunity for university MPA or similar programs to host a city or county manager for a week on campus. This opportunity will also be open to “Next Phase / Encore” managers who have recently retired from full-time positions. The university will schedule the Manager to make in-class presentations, provide advice or coaching on career development, and interact with students and faculty and career center staff.
Provide undergraduate and master-level students with a practitioner’s “in-the-trenches” perspectives on local government challenges and leadership and career development topics
Promote the rewards and benefits of local government management careers and thereby attract university students into local government
Offer students and faculty the opportunity to interact and network informally with a City or County Manager
Enhance the curriculum of MPA and other Masters programs
Renew and refresh senior local government managers with an on-campus experience
Responsibilities of City/County Manager
Arrange for travel to and from university
Free up a week to reside at the university and participate in classes and activities scheduled by the hosting university program
Prepare for any formal presentations based on topics identified in advance by the university program
Make several in-class presentations and participate in informal meetings with students and faculty and career center staff
Team up, as an option, with an Emerging Leader from the Manager’s local government organization in order to provide some of the presentations
Provide written feedback, observations, and suggestions to the Cal-ICMA Coaching Program based on the one-week residency
Responsibilities of the Local Government Agency
Continue salary and benefits for the Manager during the week of residence (or Manager can take appropriate leave time for the week-long residence)
Responsibilities of the Hosting University Program
Schedule the week with the selected City/County Manager (during mid-quarter or mid-semester to avoid exams)
Identify and schedule the in-class presentations and topics as well as informal meetings and conversations between the Manager and students and faculty members
Schedule the Manager to meet with appropriate staff at the Career Center to provide info and promote local government careers
Provide accommodations and some designated meals for the Manager, preferably on campus, as well as pay for travel expenses
Promote the Manager-In-Residence among students and faculty
Host, as an optional event, a Roundtable Discussion involving the Manager-In-Residence, other local government managers from the area, and students and faculty on selected issues
Provide written feedback and suggestions for the future based on the one-week residency
Responsibilities of Cal-ICMA Coaching Program
Market the Manager-In-Residence project to university MPA programs and other similar programs
Recruit City and County Managers to participate
Select university programs to participate
Match Managers and universities
Provide some basic materials on local government careers
Promote the results of the pilot project in California and nationally
Otherwise oversee the pilot project and offer guidance for participating universities and Managers
Anticipated Outcomes
A minimum of two matches in the first year and four matches in the second year
A written summary of the feedback from each of the hosting university programs submitted to the Cal-ICMA Coaching Program
A summary of observations and feedback from the Manager-In-Residence
A report distributed through Cal-ICMA and ICMA summarizing experiences, results, lessons, and recommendations after the two-year pilot