Use New Suite of Talent Development Tools Offered by Cal-ICMA

As part of its Talent Initiative, Cal-ICMA has created and now offers all local government agencies three new talent development tools.  These tools are aimed at helping agencies better develop and retain their employees.

The suite of three new tools include:

1.     Template for Talent Discussions with your Executive Team + Sample (an online fillable form completed by individual Department Heads and then discussed at an Executive Team meeting)—an orientation video on how to use the Template is available on the Talent Initiative webpage

2.     Menu of Development Opportunities is an online fillable resource that can be customized for your agency (to be used as part of a development conversation)

3.     A Coaching Model for Managers + a demonstration of how to conduct a one-to-one development conversation with a direct report—a training video on how to conduct a development conversation is available on the Talent Initiative webpage

These talent development tools are available without charge at

According to Christina Turner, City Manager of Morgan Hill, “Using these practical tools can help accelerate the development of high-potential employees so that they meet the increasing demands of public service and serve as effective leaders in our organizations.”


Melissa Diaz, City Manager of Redwood City, adds “Developing future leaders is an imperative – and a joy. Wherever your organization is in talent development efforts, these tools can help.”

For more information on the Cal-ICMA Talent Initiative, contact:


Nancy Hetrick, Chair, Cal-ICMA Talent Development Team at

Frank Benest, Member, Cal-ICMA Talent Development Team at



Having Workforce Recruitment & Retention Issues? You’re Not Alone!


Strengthening Collaboration: Cal-ICMA's Work Plan embodying the vision for Ethical Local Government Management