Four Ways to Increase the Value of the Career Compass Columns
Author: Frank Benest
I have the privilege of writing the monthly Career Compass advice columns sponsored by the ICMA Coaching Program. I have now received several suggestions from readers on how they have leveraged the Career Compass columns and thus increased their value.
Here are the four ways that readers have increased the benefit of the columns. They have. . .
1. Read the column and as a result purposefully identified one behavior to enhance their leadership capabilities.
2. Shared the Career Compass column with a colleague in order to promote their professional network. (A simple message could read: “I thought you’d enjoy this recent Career Compass column from the ICMA Coaching Program.”)
3. Shared the column with their Executive Team (or Department Management Team) and used the column to generate a conversation related to the topic.
4. Used the column to spark a discussion at an all-hands managers meeting in their organization.
Let me know if you have other suggestions on how to maximize the value of the Career Compass columns.
Frank Benest, EdD
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